Firebase Dynamic Link Not Found in swift ios - Swift 4 Tutorials W3Schools


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10 Dec 2019

Firebase Dynamic Link Not Found in swift ios

Failed to resolve uri domain prefix:

If you are the developer of this app, ensure that your Dynamic Links domain is correctly configured and that the path component of this URL is valid.

If you are the developer of this app, ensure that your Dynamic Links domain is correctly configured and that the path component of this URL is valid.

Possible reasons for the invalid dynamic link error:

Reason 1:

First thing you need to check with apple-app-site-association as follow

paste your domain with apple-app-site-association

Expected output should be

{"applinks":{"apps":[],"details":[{"appID":"","paths":["NOT /_/*","/*"]}]}}

Incase if you are getting `Dynamic Link Not Found` means check the following two things:

1. App Store ID is valid or not
2. Team ID should be same the one in provising profile

Reason 2:

Second possbile reason might be in capabilities.

Enable assocaited domains and add your domain as

Here make sure that you need to remove https://, otherwise deeplink url will not work as expected.

Reason 3:

If you are using any custom domains that means you are not using domains that ends with, you need to add FirebaseDynamicLinksCustomDomains key in info.plist.


Not required if you are using domains with

Reason 4:

On some iOS devices it always goes to browser, but the same link will work on other ios devices. This is because of safari caching.

Go to settings in iOS device, then tap on safari and open reader, then tap on edit select and delete.

Go to settings in iOS device, then tap on safari and open reader, then tap on edit select and delete.

That's it should work fine.

Tip: You can try pasting the url in notes app and long press on the link then tap on `open in your app'

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