July 2017 - Swift 4 Tutorials W3Schools


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31 Jul 2017

Swift Programming Language Tutorial (Swift 4) - [ 1.0 Introduction ]

7/31/2017 12:35:00 am 0

Swift Programming Language Tutorial (Swift 4) - [ 1.0  Introduction  ]


Swift is a new programming language developed by Apple. Swift is used to develop apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Swift is almost similar to C and Objective-C. It contains variables, operators, Control statements, Functions and more... like other programming languages. We will cover everything in later sessions.
Swift introduces advanced types not found in Objective-C, such as tuples. Tuples enable you to create and pass around groupings of values. You can use a tuple to return multiple values from a function as a single compound value.

Swift also introduces new optional types, which handle the absence of a value (nil value). It work for any type, not just classes. Swift is a type-safe language. If part of your code expects a string, type safety prevents you from passing it an Int by mistake. Type safety prevents you passing a optional value to piece of code which excepts a non-optional value by mistake. By using this we can easily find and fix errors as early as possible in the development process.

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